Global access to COVID-19 vaccines series of talks

The UOC hosted a series of talks in which experts explored how health, economics and politics overlap when it comes to guaranteeing global access to COVID-19 vaccines. We reflected on the global challenges that vaccine development, production and distribution pose, as well as the paths to take to overcome them from an interdisciplinary academic approach and scientific perspective.
The talk series Global access to COVID-19 vaccines. Multidisciplinary keys to a complex problem is an initiative of the Office of the Vice President for Globalization and Cooperation at the UOC and is co-organized by the eHealth Center. It aims to open up academic knowledge and bring it within reach of everyday citizens.
The online series kicked off at 5 p.m. (CEST) on 14 June 2021. Each talk lasted an hour. These talks were in Spanish. #AccesoVacunasUOC

