New digital strategies focused on health and the individual
- Corpus Gómez Calderón, Management and Health Management. HR at Hospital de Denia-Marina Salud.
- Santiago García Blanco, General Manager of Digital Transformation and User Relations, Cantabria Regional Ministry of Health.
- Mikel Ogueta Lana, Deputy Director's Office for Quality and Information Systems, Osakidetza (Basque public health service).
- Elena Torrente Segarra, Deputy Director of Digital Health Development and Head of DKV Digital Health Innolab.
Moderator: Albert Barberà, Director of the UOC's eHealth Center.
Opening of the session: Marta Aymerich, UOC Vice President for Research and Strategic Planning.
- 17 November 2021
- 3.30 p.m. (CET)
- Language: Spanish