Tourism (interuniversity: UMA, UA, UCA, UCM, UEX, ULL, Nebrija, UOC, URJC, USC, US, UVIGO)

Smart Systems in the Tourism Sector. ICT and data Analysis
Proposals related to ICT and sustainability of tourism are accepted.

Thesis Proposals


 Research Groups  

L5.3 The digitalization of processes and experiences

* Technology's influence on tourists' experience 
This line of research will analyse how technology could influence the development of tourists' experiences and its role as a catalyst for change in tourist behaviour. The research will focus on analysing how far technology is embraced by its users, how co-created experiences are made possible thanks to the incorporation of technology, and the restrictions, limits and negative impacts that technology could have on the touristic experience (over-dependency, reduced face-to-face interaction, risk to privacy, lack of spontaneity, information overload, etc).
* Smart tourism destinations
This line of research is focused on the analysis on so-called 'smart tourism destinations', their effects on transforming spaces in touristic destinations, their management models and how they contribute to competition in tourism destinations. The analysis will take a critical standpoint in relation to the techno-centric focus and position itself in favour of sustainability and its integration into models of territorial development based on territorial intelligence.