UOC Rural Network

About the UOC Rural Network

The UOC Rural Network is focused on co-creation and knowledge transfer, working to facilitate processes of positive change, redress regional imbalances, promote unity and empower rural areas.

Studying from the rural world

Through their eyes


Research and knowledge transfer

Impact of UOC education on rural areas

We want to know to what extent and in what ways UOC education and research are responding to the challenges of today's rural realities, bridging the regional divide and redressing the socioeconomic and environmental inequalities that this entails.


ConectArt-e aims to promote a symbiosis between contemporary cultural and artistic creation and regenerative tourism as social, economic and cultural activities committed to sustainability and regional development.

Exploratory study on housing in rural areas

This exploratory study draws on evidence from specific municipalities to characterize housing in the rural world. It also examines the influence of the socioeconomic environment, assesses the effectiveness of the regulatory framework, and identifies private action and activism initiatives in the area of rural housing.

Rural UOC in figures

Ataneus Corporatius - logo

Dones del mon rural - logo
Micropobles - logo
Rural Pact - logo
Rural Arca - logo
Odisseu - logo
Diputació Lleida - logo

ACM - logo

Xarxa Productors - logo
Eines Repoblament - logo

AEDI - logo

REPR- logo

Alma natura - logo

Fademur - logo