Author: Sidra Iftikhar
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Network and Information Technologies
Idioma: English
Supervision: Dr Enric Mor Pera & Dr Ana Elena Guerrero Roldán
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Computer Science
Key words: practice-based learning, learning laboratories, student acceptance, student engagement, teachers' dashboards
Area of knowledge: Network and Information Technologies
This research provides an in-depth understanding of student engagement and its indicators for practice-based learning contexts, specifically for the tools. The analysis of engagement in educational contexts is the basis of defining approaches to promote student engagement. One significant contribution of this thesis is the understanding of engagement itself that is achieved through the usage of multiple sources that provide a complete view of student engagement in practice-based learning. This research also contributes to the identification of factors for acceptance and indicators for engagement in practice-based learning. These factors and indicators help teachers across their teaching process, and educational designers, too, to design better practice-based tools and to provide engaging experiences to the learners. The understanding of engagement also extends by establishing a relationship between students’ practice and performance which has proven to be positive. Not only does this research provide a complete understanding of engagement, it also provides a foundation for promoting student engagement in the field of practice-based learning. The last and significant contribution of the study is that it also caters to teachers by providing them with relevant data indicators and dashboards that can help them support learners. Through these dashboards, teachers have the opportunity to be involved in the learning process and identify potential drop-outs in practice-based learning.