Committees and Working Group

Steering Committee (SC)

Responsible for leading the process:

  • Àngels Fitó, rector
  • Antoni Cahner, general manager
  • Teresa Guasch, vice rector for Teaching and Learning
  • Xavier Vilajosana, vice rector for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship
  • M. Jesús Martínez-Argüelles, vice rector for Governance and Academic Policy
  • Manel Jiménez-Morales, vice rector for Alliances, Community and Culture
  • Pere Fabra, general secretary
  • Ciro Llueca, deputy general manager for Research and Knowledge Transfer




Responsible for implementing and monitoring the process:

  • Bàrbara Morral, director, Reference Centres
  • Núria García, human resources business partner, Reference Centre for Research
  • Mònica Falqués, human resources business partner, Reference Centre for Teaching
  • Monica Sosa, director, Organizational Culture and Talent
  • Vanesa Martín, director, Specialization Centre for Remuneration and Legal Affairs
  • Maite Iriarte, director, Institucional and Institution-wide R&I Initiatives
  • María José Santos, personel officer, Specialization Centre for Talent
  • Francisco Javier Agradano, personel officer, Reference Centre for Research




Responsible for providing advice and support in the implementation of the process:

  • Àgata Lapedriza, research group leader, eHealth Center, AIWELL, R3
  • Alba Colombo, programme director, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R3
  • Albert Solé, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R3
  • Aura Esther Vilalta, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R3
  • Begoña Aguilera, director, Open Science
  • Carles Méndez, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R2
  • Carme Carrion, researcher, eHealth Lab, and member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R3
  • Cristian Tanasescu, researcher, IN3, GlobaLS, R1
  • Daniel Aranda Juárez, member of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R3
  • Daniel Amarelo, doctoral grant holder, R1
  • Elisenda Ardèvol, member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R4
  • Elvis Gerardo Ortega, doctoral grant holder, R1, 
  • Eulàlia Hernàndez, member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R3
  • Ferran Adelantado, doctoral programme director and researcher, Doctoral School, Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, and WiNe, R4
  • Francesc Xavier Medina, member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R4
  • Gemma Chiva, member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R3
  • Gemma San Cornelio, programme director, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R3
  • Helena Rifà, programme director, Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R3
  • Ignasi Gozalo, member of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R2
  • Inma Rodríguez-Ardura, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R4
  • Irene Montiel, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R2
  • Ivan Serrano, researcher and member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, IN3, TURBA, R2
  • Javier Borge, research group leader, IN3, Complex Systems, R4
  • Jessica Viloria, director, Legal Office
  • Joan Carles Medina, member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R2
  • Jordi Conesa, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R4
  • Julie Wilson, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R3
  • Julio Meneses, director, Learning and Teaching Analysis; researcher, and member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, IN3, GenTIC, R4
  • Laura Arantegui, doctoral grant holder, R1
  • Llorenç Andreu, research group leader, eHealth Center, R4
  • Marga Casamitjana, director, Research Centre and Doctoral Management Office
  • Milagros Sáinz, research group leader, IN3, GenTIC, R4
  • Miquel Peguera, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R3
  • Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, programme director and researcher, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, IN3, CNSC, R3
  • Natàlia Cantó, member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R3
  • Ramon Ribera, research group leader, IN3, TURBA, R4
  • Rubén Nieto, programme director, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R4
  • Santi Caballé, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R4
  • Sergio García, director, R&I Finance & Budget unit
  • Sònia Armengou, technical manager, Research & Media Communications unit
  • Steen Knudsen Esquerda, doctoral grant holder, R1
  • Victoria Blasco, director, University Law unit
  • Xenia Porta, doctoral grant holder, R1
  • Zora Kovacic, researcher and member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, IN3, Turba, R2