Order SND/421/2020, of 18 May, adopting measures in regard to the extension of stay and residence and/or work permits and other status of foreigners in Spain, pursuant to Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, declaring a state of emergency for the management of the health crisis brought about by COVID-19.
- All residence and/or work permits that expired during the state of emergency will be automatically extended, with a new validity period of six months as of the lifting of the state of emergency, without the need for an individual decision for each permit from the Immigration Office. Likewise, extensions of such permits are extended under this regulation, promoted by the Directorate General for Migration, in order to prevent foreign nationals from finding themselves, involuntarily, in an illegal situation due to the suspension of administrative terms.
- The inability to submit applications for renewal of documents in person, added to the difficulty in undertaking these procedures online, has given rise to insecurity among foreigners residing in Spain, employers and other social and economic agents. To deal with this situation, this Ministerial Order covers a series of circumstances. Over seven articles it establishes the extension of temporary residence and/or work permits as well as permits for study stays, student mobility, traineeships for unemployed youth or graduates, or voluntary service provided for in immigration regulations. Furthermore, the validity of EU citizen family member cards is also extended during the state of emergency for a period of six months as of the lifting of said state.
- This rule also applies to the automatic extension of foreigner identity cards issued on the basis of long-term residence, and to stays of less than 90 days. Long-term visas issued under a youth mobility agreement and student visas for up to 180 days which expire during the state of emergency will be extended for a period of three months, provided that the holder is in Spain and has been unable to return to their country of origin due to the exceptional circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 crisis.
- Furthermore, holders of temporary residence and/or work permits and stay permits, as well as holders of EU-resident family member cards or long-term residence permits abroad during the state of emergency may enter Spain provided they show a valid travel document, along with their expired Foreigner Identity Card.
- Finally, it establishes that absences from Spanish territory due to inability to return to Spain owing to the health crisis will not be considered with regard to continuing residence.
- Resumption of terms. Upon publication in the Spanish Official Gazette (BOE) of Royal Decree 463/2020, procedural deadlines and expiry and action limitation periods will resume on 4 June. Administrative terms will resume or recommence, if a specific law is issued to this effect during the state of emergency, on 1 June. More information
- Mobility. On 15 May, a 14-day compulsory quarantine entered into force for anyone entering Spanish territory, pursuant to Order SND /403/2020, of 11/05/20. More information (this quarantine will be lifted from July).
- Borders within the EU. Given the decision of some Member States to close their borders, the European Commission has issued a number of guidelines on border management in order to protect the health of citizens, ensure proper treatment of those who need to travel and guarantee the supply of essential goods and services. More information