The mission of the UOC-BSA Chair is to significantly advance the application of big data and data analysis within the field of health. It does this using a multidisciplinary approach with the participation of all of the agents involved in the healthcare system.
Our vision involves becoming a key player in the transformation of the health industry through innovative solutions based on big data technology and analysis.
Primary objectives
- To improve people's quality of life and their participation in the decision-making process in matters affecting their health.
- To improve access to healthcare and to promote equality.
To improve the efficiency of the healthcare system, thereby ensuring its sustainability.
Related objetives
- To encourage the participation of all the agents involved in the field of big data and data analysis, and its use for promotional, preventive, diagnostic and treatment purposes related to the provision of social and health services.
- To generate innovative solutions based on the identification, integration, processing, analysis and display of data in the decision-making process.
- To foster the technological transfer to the health system of the solutions generated.
- To provide capacity for analysis and big data.
Francisco Lupiáñez, director.
Pilar Saura, CEO BSA (Badalona Serveis Assistencials), Advisory Board.
Jordi Piera, CIO BSA, Advisory Board.
Ruth Vilar, Researcher, data scientist.
Pedro González, Researcher, analytics and big data architect.
Promotion, preventive care, diagnosis and health treatment
Health economics
Behavioural sciences / Translational medicine
Carry out research and development projects with the collaboration of master's degree and doctoral students and of professionals with an interest in scientific output.
Train health and health management professionals, and activities in doctoral programmes.
Strengthen research activity and the knowledge base, participation in conferences, forums and outreach journals related to the field of activity.
Promote activities aimed at fostering the use of ICT and data analysis in the health sector. Improve collaborative actions for the exploitation and transfer of results obtained by the Chair.