The Randstad Foundation-UOC Chair in Disability, Employment and Social Innovation, created in 2019, has a twofold goal: to help ensure disabled people's equal-opportunity access to the world of work and to generate knowledge and awareness about disability.
Through training, research, transfer and outreach activities, the Chair will seek to:
- Improve disabled people's employability.
- Equip professionals with skills for their specialization in disability and employment.
- Support companies in the implementation of disability policies.
- Foster social transformation and change toward an inclusive society, increasing awareness and knowledge of disability.
Academic director
Dr. Jordi Planella, Professor, UOC Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences.
Executive director
Bel Ramos, Project Manager for North West Area, Randstad Foundation.
UOC team
- Asunción Pié, faculty member, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
- Brígida Maestres, coordinating professor for Social Psychology, Dependence and Autonomy courses, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
- Elsa Santamaría, director of the Master's Degree in Employment and the Labour Market: Intervention and Coaching for Work
- Assistant
Advisory Board
- María Viver, Director, Randstad Foundation
- Valentín Bote, Director, Randstad Research
- Dr. Manuel Armayones, Development Director, UOC eHealth Center
- Dr. Lluís Garay, director of the UOC Master's Degree in Corporate Social Responsibility
- Dr. Llorenç Andreu, director of the UOC Master's Degree in Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders, and director of the UOC Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy
- Silvia Mata, who is responsible for adapting course programmes to the special educational needs of UOC students
- Llorenç Sabaté, who is responsible for guaranteeing people with disabilities' access to information at the UOC
- Jaume Moregó, director, UOC Institutional Development
- Ignacio Tremiño, member of parliament for Valladolid and former director-general for Disability Support Policies at the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
- Miguel Laloma, Business Director, SERES Foundation
- Dra. Sara Acevedo, teaching faculty, Bellevue College, and tenure-track researcher, Miami University
Knowledge transfer and outreach
- Seminar on critical disability, Barcelona
- Seminar on diversities, Madrid
- Lecture series: The state of affairs regarding employment and disabled people
- Creation of the Colección Cuadernos
- Having an effect on the social policies targeting disability and employment
- Becoming a point of reference: Disability & Job
- Draw up proposals for courses on disability
- Become a reference centre for training researchers and scholars in the field of disability
- Promote internships and bachelor's degree or master's degree final projects on disability and employment
- Offer grants and scholarships for disabled people
Research and social innovation
- New projects on disability and employment
- Apply for international research programmes
- Promote research grants
- Develop tools for the guidance and social inclusion of disabled people
- Create a social innovation laboratory