Anna Ferry: "The Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia has furthered my career"
Alumnus. Course instructor and tutor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.
Alumnus. Course instructor and tutor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications.
The Spanish Government's High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda, who gave the inaugural lecture "Universities must spearhead the 2030 Agenda".
Alumnus. Graduate of the University Master's Degree in Cultural Management.
Schoolteacher and one of the UOC's very first students.
Aimentia is a project offering e-health solutions for mental health issues developed by Edgar Jorba, a student on the Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Technologies and Services Engineering. It was awarded the social impact and audience prizes at SpinUOC 2020, the annual entrepreneurship programme run by the UOC's Hubbik platform.
Alumni. Graduate in Business Administration and Management.
Special prize winner for the best academic record on the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering.
CIO at Schenker Logistic and one of the UOC's first-ever students.
Course instructor with the UOC for sixteen years, teaching developmental psychology.
Vocational training in Marketing and Advertising at Jesuïtes Educació and the UOC and a student on the Bachelor's Degree in Communication.
Alumni. Ha estudiat Ciències Empresarials; dues llicenciatures i el màster universitari de Societat de la Informació i el Coneixement. Actualment cursa el grau de Ciències Socials i el doctorat de Societat de la Informació i el Coneixement.