Monitoring educational trends and innovation

The eLearning Innovation Center's Educational Trends and Innovation Observatory
Radar d'universitats singulars (RUS)
Distinctive universities

Society is changing and learning methods must change with it. It is vital to draw attention to the changes in education occurring everywhere, especially in universities. The role of our radar is to detect and analyse the most distinctive and innovative educational experiences found around the world.

The radar's model

Three aspects make an educational model distinctive, different and unique. These three models (teaching, education and services) are often interlinked: an institution with a distinctive teaching system generally has a different organizational system, for example.

"Dies singulars en universitats singulars" podcast and interviews

As we observe and search for distinctive universities, we are frequently in contact with institutions with very interesting stories to tell in an interview or an informal chat.

These conversations are recorded and edited to provide material for our podcasts.

We detect and we project