The UOC-Telefónica Chair in Design and Multimedia Creation was created in 2015, the aim of which was to research, reflect on and debate design, technology and education and their impact on society.
Currently, design and creativity play an ever more important role in the information society, contributing added value and innovation in the development of products, services and experiences.
The UOC-Telefónica Chair came about as a response to this scenario, innovative in nature and approaching the relationship between design and technology as a transformative element of education and digital creation, with a desire for social impact and a return on knowledge.
Design and creativity play an ever more important role in the information society, contributing added value and innovation in the development of products, services and experiences.
Among its actions, in particular the Chair promotes activities, conferences and workshops as well as sound academic work, for both teaching and research, related with:
- the interrelation between technology and design and their innovative uses in multimedia creation and education, and
- methodologies and tools for online education in Multimedia Design and Creation.
Enric Mor, director
Irma Vilà, coordinator
Pau Waelder, content editor
Pau Alsina
Laia Blasco
Vanina Hofman
Javier Melenchón
Course offering
Workshops involve practical approaches to topics specific to the Chair.
Workshops include a seminar or opening talk that gives attendees the academic context necessary to carry out a specific activity.
Seminars and conferences have both an educational and social objective.
They bring together top-of-the-line speakers, in the academic or professional sphere, in the field of design and technology and serve as a meeting point for all those, professional or student, who are immersed in this branch of knowledge.
The research carried out includes the fields of design, technology and education from an interdisciplinary point of view. Researchers engage in a shared approach from different perspectives, exchanging practices and experiences developed in this context. The aim is to create a space for joint reflection on teaching, research processes, methodologies and practices developed through this interaction.